kanashimi no tenshi: just let me cry...

My tears are not free. Every drop amounts to a piece of your heart. So when I cry you a river, prepare to give me you heart. and I'll welcome it with a kiss. (012407)

Monday, July 25, 2005

HP6/july 22

I just finished reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince... (yep, my sister had it reserved months ago. :D)it is very unfortunate that Dumbledore died and Harry only has one more year to find and kill Voldemort... and although Harry is a really good wizard, I really think he is quite of an airhead...

and yeah..I, being addicted to love and its failures, am grieving deeper for the loss of Ginny-Harry relationship than ..well, Dumbledore's death. (and was extremely enjoying the fact that Hermione was jealous of Lavander Brown when "Won-won" went out with her and snogged-according to the book-during half of the story)

anyway... the commotion (was it?) last friday (22nd of July) when some people in class saw me cry on Carmela's shoulder.. what really happened was that Adeth broke up with me.. yep, she did. shocked? LOL

and brenti was joking about it saying it was great, that i am free and available and then we could..

but of course, i don't think brenti wouldn't ...y'know, being a close friend of mine..

after all, he did admit that he doesn't have a crush on me anymore.

well, Adeth and I had been having a rocky relationship, although in many ways, we know that
we care for each other so much and we know how we feel for each other..

still, there are factors that affect our relationship very much .... and it is sad that often times, she couldn't understand me. she admitted it last friday.

one of these factors that gave the heaviest bearing that fatal day was Paolo, a former "friend". I liked him a lot, even did the stupidest of things which Adeth had always asked if I regretted doing.

to make the story short, Adeth and i broke up that Sports Journalism class when Ma'am Mamawal called my name for attendance and Ria and the others noticed that I wasn't sitting at my seat next to Adeth.

She said she couldn't understand me anymore... and yes, I cried a lot.

and I'm going to stop telling the story for now and maybe continue with an update soon.

goodnight folks.

PS: Happy Birthday to jMe Zamodio and Joyce Aralar.


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