kanashimi no tenshi: just let me cry...

My tears are not free. Every drop amounts to a piece of your heart. So when I cry you a river, prepare to give me you heart. and I'll welcome it with a kiss. (012407)

Sunday, May 28, 2006


this one, i snatched from Carlo Silva's friendster account. This is his description of himself:

"i'm angsty by the way .. but nothing like your usual teenage-anime loving-gets better fucking grades than you-angst .. people like that are angsty just for the sake of being angsty .. the thing is .. they think being angsty is cool .. and so they project angst through themselves just so that they'd have an image for people .. what's inside is what counts the most .."

I don't know if Carlo will get mad at me for taking his statement without his knowledge, but one thing for sure... he knows why I took it.

Gomen ne, Caoi... and thanks for everything and for all you've taught me.

i really think this angsty image is NOT cool at all.


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