kanashimi no tenshi: just let me cry...

My tears are not free. Every drop amounts to a piece of your heart. So when I cry you a river, prepare to give me you heart. and I'll welcome it with a kiss. (012407)

Monday, January 02, 2006


feliz aƱonuevo, mi amigas y amigos!

christmas break is lamost over. i don't know whether to feel relieved or not. when i go back to school, there'll be pressure on me. on us all... and a waiting hectic schedule. while at home, i didn't get the best break since.... the whole day i've been watching TV.

as in... from 11 (the time i wake up) to 12 midnight. .

anyways, thanks so much to all those who thanked me on their blog and to besty karl for calling me during xmas and new year's eve.

and to those who asked me if I were ok, thanks guys.. i am now.


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